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    I am so excited to announce that EuroTour 2017 is on! From June 6 to 19, members of the Envato team will be in Europe visiting eight different meetups. A huge thank you to all the authors who have agreed to host meetups and help us make this possible.

    We’ve got a post up on the Community Blog65 and you can read all about what we’re planning there.

    Here are the dates and cities we’ll be in:

    • June 6: Rotterdam
    • June 8: Kraków
    • June 9: Ljubljana
    • June 10: Padua
    • June 11: Berlin
    • June 13: Stockholm
    • June 15: Paris
    • June 19: London

    We’ll have a lot more in the coming weeks but for now, head over to the community blog and RSVP for the event closest to you. We’d love to meet you in person!


    Passepartout even felt a strong desire to grasp his ally, Fix, by the hand. He remembered that it was the detective who procured the sledge, the only means of reaching Omaha in time; but, checked by some presentiment, he kept his usual reserve.
    One thing, however, Passepartout would never forget, and that was the sacrifice which Mr. Fogg had made, without hesitation, to rescue him from the Sioux. Mr. Fogg had risked his fortune and his life. No! His servant would never forget that! While each of the party was absorbed in reflections so different, the sledge flew past over the vast carpet of snow.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by uerturk.

    Yes! I will definitely go.


    For the first time I beheld their queen.

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